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Monday, April 6, 2015

Jewnited Nations--All About my New Fashion Column!

Hi all- I know I've been away for a while but it was all for a good cause. I recently began writing a fashion column for this new revolutionary magazine called Jewnited Nations. What is Jewnited Nations? Simply put it is a magazine that puts a spotlight on the true diversity of the Jewish Nation .

Jews come literally from all 4 corners of the world and vary in skin color, body type and customs (minhagim). It is a rich culture that is often overlooked and painted over with a big, broad "white" people kind of brush. And it's a serious shame since our differences and diversity should be cherished and celebrated!

As a "Jew of Color" so to say, fashion has a very important impact on my religious beliefs and personal lifestyle . So I decided it was time to acknowledge it! Within my fashion column you can discover tips to discovering your personal style, dressing modestly & modernly, dressing for your body type, dressing for your skin tone, and more!

You can catch my fashion column here: My Fashion Column

I have some exciting blog entries coming up here as well, so stayed tuned!

Until Then, Make Sure to Get Some SugarandSpice in Your Life!

-Elisheva SugarandSpiceandEverythingNice

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